Sunday, December 4, 2011

Background story

This year has been quite a roller coaster ride for my family and I. A little recap! I had my second son July 13th, 2011, a beautiful boy! I decided to breast feed, and it went great. For about 5 weeks. I developed a infection called Mastitis in my right breast, and that was the beginning to my journey. After 2 weeks on the antibiotics, my OB told me to bind my breast, and stop breast feeding, so I did. Three days later, I went to the ER while on family vacation, and had emergency surgery. The ER surgeon drained 1 liter of fluid from my breast, talk about pain. I was left with a 5.7cm hole in my breast.

Well, I was discharged 4 days later and we came back home. It's been a long journey. I have a home nurse that comes and changes my dressings and packing, along with a wound vac. A wound vac is a machine that keeps continuous sucking pressure on the wound. I have a piece of foam inside of the wound, and it's very painful. Surgery was Sept 3rd, and it's only at 4.4 cm as of today. I went to another surgeon on Friday, in Alexandria, LA to have another opinion. He wants to preform surgery on Wednesday at 1:30pm and will probably keep me at the hospital for at least a week. 

My husband has his last week of college this week, which means finals that he can not miss. So, I'm driving two hours alone, to the hospital and he probably won't be able to visit while I'm there. We do not have a baby sitter for our two young children, and I do not want them at the hospital anyways. It's going to be a long week. Alone.

I plan on having Ayden, my oldest stay home with me tomorrow to snuggle and enjoy the time together before I have this surgery and have to stay away for a week. Tomorrow should be fun!

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